Back to School Night
Dear LMS Families,
Next Thursday, September 19th is LMS Back to School Night. For most of our families the evening will begin at 6:30pm. For about half of our 5th grade families only, the evening will begin at 7:40pm. You will see this described in the schedule below.
Back to School Night offers our students’ families a taste of what their child’s day is like here at LMS. Parents/Guardians/Caregivers will receive an overview of our academic programs during a visit with each or their child’s teachers. We are excited to welcome you all to LMS next Thursday for this fun and important school event.
Please carefully read the details below so that you understand how to attend BTSN. Our 5th grade families will attend differently from our families with children in grades 6-8.
Grades 6, 7, 8 - Parents of children in grades 6-8 will follow their child’s daily class schedule when meeting with teachers. Since Thursday, September 19th will be an A Day for students, parents will also follow an A Day schedule during Back to School Night. Additionally, parents of 7th and 8th graders should attend their child’s Quarter 1 Cycle Class. All 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Health and Physical Education classes will meet in the LMS Gym. NOTE - If you do not get to visit with a class because it meets on a B Day, or it meets in Quarters 2, 3, or 4, please feel free to contact those teachers via email for information about their program.
Grade 5 - Families whose child is grade 5 will attend BTSN with their child’s grade 5 classroom teacher. Each grade 5 teacher will offer their presentation in 2 sessions. Families whose last name begins with a letter from A through L will attend Session 1 from 6:48-7:24pm. Families whose last name begins with a letter from M through Z will attend Session 2 from 7:53-8:29pm. Session 1 attendees may begin their BTSN visit at the 6:30pm Administration Welcome in the gym. Ms. King and I will welcome our Session 2 attendees at 7:40pm…also in the gym. NOTE - For information about your 5th grader’s Specials Classes (PE, Music, Spanish, etc), please feel free to contact those teachers via email.
Additional important information includes:
- Entrance to the Gym is through the Rotunda doors. Walk through the Rotunda Courtyard, which is accessed from the Broad Avenue sidewalk on the north side of the building. Please do not arrive before 6:10pm. Doors will open at 6:10pm.
- The bleachers in the gym will be open for seating.
- The purpose of BTSN is for families to meet their children's teachers, and receive an overview of our teachers' content and classroom routines. These are not individual parent conferences.
- Our preference is that BTSN is an event for parents/guardians/caregivers only.
Please take a few minutes to talk with your child about their daily class schedule before next Thursday. They can share with you the best hallway routes to take when moving from class to class.
On behalf of MS. King and the entire LMS faculty, I’m looking forward to seeing you at Back to School Night.
With Lion Pride,
Dave Saco
6:30 – 6:37 Welcome Parents – LMS Gym with LMS Administration
6:40 - 6:45 Homeroom – Parents receive their child’s schedule (no presentation)
6:48 – 6:58 Period 1
7:01 – 7:11 Period 2
7:14 – 7:24 Period 3
7:27 – 7:37 Period 4 - Visit with LMS Home & School (5th/6th Grade)
7:40 – 7:50 Period 5 - Visit with LMS Home & School (7th Grade)
7:53 – 8:03 Period 6 - Visit with LMS Home & School (8th Grade)
8:06 – 8:16 Period 7
8:19 – 8:29 Period 8
6:30 – 6:37 Session 1 Welcome Parents – LMS Gym with LMS Administration
6:40 - 6:45 (Homeroom Period for Grades 6-8)
6:48 – 6:58 Period 1 - Session 1 (A-L) - Classroom Teacher Presentation
7:01 – 7:11 Period 2 - Session 1 (A-L) - Classroom Teacher Presentation
7:14 – 7:24 Period 3 - Session 1 (A-L) - Classroom Teacher Presentation
7:27 – 7:37 Period 4 - Visit with LMS Home & School
7:40 – 7:50 Period 5 - Session 2 Welcome - LMS Gym with LMS Administration
7:53 – 8:03 Period 6 - Session 2 (M-Z) - Classroom Teacher Presentation
8:06 – 8:16 Period 7 - Session 2 (M-Z) - Classroom Teacher Presentation
8:19 – 8:29 Period 8 - Session 2 (M-Z) - Classroom Teacher Presentation